Valuations & Advice

There is no doubt the professional valuation industry is changing rapidly.  Historically, Valuers were called upon mainly for their in depth knowledge within a particular market, today, however, with the advances in technology and the availability of information this aspect is becoming less and less important.  The true expertise of a Valuer is how to interpret the information and provide reasoned advice.  This is more apparent where the assets are complex and affected by a multitude of factors.

In our view, valuations are the starting point of any business decision whether it be to raise capital, list on the stock exchange or divest, you need to know what you have before you can decide what to do and how to do it.  It is our aim to guide you through this decision making process.  Our experience is that the valuation process provides additional considerations such as are there better ways to use the assets or are there development opportunities that should be considered? It is the bringing together of professional disciplines and exhausting all approaches and thought processes that concludes with the most reasoned advice.  This is precisely why CNC Valuations was established.  We provide our services both outbound on behalf of clients in the Middle East and inbound for companies looking at how best to position themselves in the region.

By nature we are a valuation company; however we also provide the following associated services:

Nowadays people know the price of everything

and the value of nothing


Key Services

Key Values


As a firm we are regulated by the RICS and all our signatories are members or fellows of the RICS.  In addition, we also comply with regional professional bodies such as RERA in Dubai and Taqeem in Saudi Arabia.  Our employees also hold memberships with other professional bodies as well as country specific valuation bodies.  We continue our professional development by ensuring we are informed of any changes which may affect valuations such as changes to IFRS or changes in the law which may impact the way valuations are reported.


From the first day we began we have always strictly maintained our independence by focusing purely on advisory services and not allowing ourselves to be diverted into any related field.  This means we will always remain impartial and without any perceived conflict of interests.


Amongst our team we have decades of experience providing advice as well as conducting assignments in the Middle East, North Africa, Europe, UK, and North and South America.  It is our flexible approach as well as the speed at which we mobilise and deliver that truly adds value to the advice.


“In such a competitive field as valuations, one where demand for services is increasing, it’s tempting to give clients what they want and not what’s right. I feel CNC gives us what’s right.”

“We immediately felt comfortable with the principals of CNC, who were very candid and realistic about the market for the business and the potential worth of the company.”



“Welcome to CNC Valuations, I hope this website provides adequate information on what we do, who we are and how we can assist. Of course, if there is anything unclear or if you would like to discuss any matter then please do email me.”



We work as a single united team with market leading firms around the world and give our clients the highest quality advice possible.